💳 | Wallet
Last updated
Last updated
In your wallet you can:
Deposit USDT
Swap AGM into USDT
Withdraw USDT to your wallet
For deposit USDT, for you will be swap your personal USDT trc-20 address and you can replenish it any convenient for you way (such as any exchange). To view your deposits you can go to the deposit history page.
To swap AGM points in USDT, you just need to enter the AGM amount and click the swap button. Also on the Swap tab you will be able to see the current rate of AGM to USDT. Please note that the swap fee is 1%. To view your swaps, you need to go to the Swap History page.
AGM price is dynamic and it depends on USDT liquidity in the game pool. We have simple AMM price-building logic - AGM: USDT= AGM PRICE. So since now, the more AGM you HODL, the highest AGM price you get. All the USDT liquidity will be used for the CEX listings!
To withdraw USDT to your wallet, you need to enter your trc-20/bep20/erc20 wallet address and enter the amount of USDT to withdraw. Please note that the withdrawal fee is $2.5 and the minimum withdrawal amount is $10. You can see the withdrawal history on the Withdrawal History page.
Staking is over since 28 Jan 2025.
Now you should stake your AGM tokens to be eligible for the Airdrop.
The more tokens you stake, the more Airdrop you get.
For more info go to Airdrop page.